Personal website for Christopher Bliss.


Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Hi everyone, I’m Christopher Bliss - village-renowned novelist and son of two. Recently described as one of the nicest boys on my street by the postman so it’s been a pretty good year for me!

I’m the writer-in-residence in my very own residence - a nice little cottage right in the North West corner of South East Shropshire. Come and say hi! Just give me an hour’s notice if you’re coming round to give the lava lamps time to warm up.

I also live by a stream if that’s the sort of information that you like.

I like writing, yoghurts, baths, Ricky Martin etc and often do all four at the same time.

I love to joke around and have fun, and I’m also only 3cm tall (joking).

Please enjoy the website responsibly.